
Fall in Love with Jesus today! He cares about you. He wants the best for your life. He endured the cross for your sake. He greatly desired that you would be saved. He bore your sin, your sicknesses, your pains, and your heartaches so that He can bring you comfort and healing whenever you need it. He opened the way to Heaven. You can access eternal life through Him alone. He has good thoughts toward you. Thoughts of peace and not evil to bring you into a glorious future full of joy, peace, and His perfect love. You can accept Him as your Lord and Savior today. He’s waiting for you!

Believe in your heart that He loves you with an everlasting and tender-hearted love. Believe He is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died in your place on the cross, arose three days later, and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. Believe that He wiped your sin away and separated it from you as far as the east is from the west. Now, confess with your mouth and accept Him as Your Lord and Savior forevermore. You can use the following prayer as a guide but feel free to personalize it.

Father God, I need Jesus. I believe that He is Your Son and through Him I can have eternal life. Make Your home in my heart, Jesus. I repent of my sinful ways and receive Your cleansing blood to wipe away every sin. I trust You, Jesus, to lead my life as You see fit. I surrender my life to You for I know that I am unable to live without You. Help me to rely on You all the days of my life. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray.


If you truly believe what you have spoken, then we welcome you to the family of God. Click the below button to let us know that you accepted the Lord. We want to help you understand this Christian walk and connect you to the body of baptized believers. Absolute Worship Ministries is ready to embrace you with the love of Christ.

I accepted Christ

Why is membership important?

Church membership is a biblical principle showing the church as an organized unit, and becoming a member is an important step in deepening your commitment to Christ. Scriptural references of church as a family include Romans 12:4-5 (a body of members); John 10:2 (a fold of sheep); and 1 Corinthians 1:2 (a church of saints). We should never get church membership confused with being a part of the heavenly body that Christ will be returning to take with Him.

It is at physical church gatherings that we develop healthy and wholesome relationships with fellow believers. Membership also provides accountability to the work and support of the ministry for God’s Kingdom. Jesus’ commitment to His church (the body of believers) includes calling committed pastors to watch over our souls (Heb. 13:17), so it is important for us to be committed to an assembly where we can be guided, nurtured, loved, and taught.

I’m ready to join. What’s the first step?

Click the button below to fill out a form and the pastoral offices will schedule you for an orientation and guide you through the rest of the process.

Membership Form

What’s Next?

After your orientation, you will be enrolled in the membership classes that are designed to help you become acclimated to your new church family. The classes will also help you discover your spiritual gifts based on your natural talents and passions and help you find your place in ministry.

Class Registration (Coming Soon)

How will I get to know everyone?

Fellowship events are hosted throughout the year. These are casual environments that will help you become more acquainted with staff, ministry leaders, and other members.

Check our events page for further info about these.

Pastor’s Voice

Is there a formal acceptance of new members?

Yes, you will be warmly received into the Absolute Worship Ministries family through the Right Hand of Fellowship on the first Sunday.

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